Doris Stricher


feminin / masculin

25 • 12 • 2022

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crying man

Strong man, valiant man, almighty man...
Formatted identity, model that sticks to the skin and the heart
"A man doesn't cry!" »

music, painting, literature are partly constructions of abstract intelligence
emotion, stems from the intelligence of the heart.
Emotion and intelligence are therefore necessary to create and to live!
Abstract intelligence remains cold, distant and destroyed!
The intelligence of the heart reconciles, warms and builds

So men of heart won over by emotion weep
Ukrainians are crying
Russians are crying
Iranians are crying
And men elsewhere on Earth alone, unloved, misunderstood, abused cry
but quietly...

L’homme qui pleure
dédicacé à tous les hommes de cœur emphatiques qui font et sont nos joies et bonheur dans ce monde brutal de sauvages
Et que la nouvelle année 2023 nous et leurs soit douce

 - © Doris Stricher


© Doris Stricher